Plugshare decompilation error

Issue #278 resolved
Simon Walters created an issue

Getting this when I click on File then Open

Comments (9)

  1. Simon Walters reporter

    edit - actually after I click the Microblocks tab in the File Open dialog

    Also, doesn't seem to be fatal - I can just click on X and carry on

  2. John Maloney repo owner

    It looks like you clicked on "open from board", which attempts to read and decompile a MicroBlocks project from the board. Do you happen to remember the project you had on that board? If you still have the project or can recreate it, that would be helpful in trying debug this issue.

    Let me know if you are getting this error when clicking the normal "open" command. I'm not seeing the problem in the Mac or webapp versions but I haven't tested it on Windows.

  3. Simon Walters reporter

    Yes - I have PlugShare enabled and disabling it and error goes away

    This is the project

  4. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks! I can reproduce this but I don't have time to debug it right now. Best to save your work in a file since the decompiler isn't 100% reliable (especially for large projects).

  5. John Maloney repo owner

    I found and fixed the problem, thanks to your excellent test case. Just pushed a new Pilot version (v1.1.59) with the fix.

  6. John Maloney repo owner

    Good to know that the fix works for you.

    Also, great that you were able to get the Wemos motor shield working in MicroBlocks!

    I2C opens many doors to external hardware. Some I2C data sheets are easy to read, others not so much. However, if you can find an Arduino library for the hardware in question you can usually get the key features working in MicroBlocks fairly quickly.

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