Translation of block annotations(on page footer) should be turned on by default

Issue #283 resolved
Wenjie Wu created an issue

Currently you need to open 'show advanced blocks', then the block annotations in the footer would be translated

Comments (10)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    WIll fix. However, I am teaching micro:bit classes to teachers through Aug 5 so I'd like to hold off on updating the Pilot release and webapp until then. For the same reason, I won't have time to look into this until this weekend at the earliest, but maybe Bernat has time to look into it.

  2. Wenjie Wu reporter

    hi @Bernat Romagosa block tips is a great user-friendly feature, will it support user-custom libraries in the future?

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    Maybe. It would be cool but there are a lot of pieces to an implementation. We'd need a way to record the block tip in projects and library files and a UI for creating and editing block tips.

    It would be challenging to support translations for tips in user-created projects. Who would do the translations? Would the translation strings for each project be added to the user project itself? If so, who would do that? For MicroBlocks libraries, MicroBlocks could manage the tip translation strings, but that approach doesn't make sense for user projects not created or managed by MicroBlocks. But maybe we just don't worry about translating tips in user projects; they would still be useful to people who speak the same language as the project author.

    Hmm. I wonder if Google translate has an API that could be used to automatically translate tip strings...

  4. Wenjie Wu reporter

    they would still be useful to people who speak the same language as the project author.

    Yes! This is my main use case at the moment.

    Maybe I should create another issue rather than discussing it here . This requirement is mainly around the functional annotation of the user-created blocks(block tips), not related to the translation.

  5. Wenjie Wu reporter

    For MicroBlocks libraries, MicroBlocks could manage the tip translation strings,

    Should we give full support to these libraries, just like the core blocks?

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