Issue #29 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hello John,

Just finished reviewing the TR translations, as well as Libraries etc.

*** A HUGE thank you for making it possible to test lang translation files on the fly. Just noticed it as I was reviewing the github logs.

I have noticed various issues with the translations due to missing strings in the target language files.

Some have the strings translated but not shown, other are just plain missing strings. I am thinking these would be issues in other languages as well.

For the TR language, I have verified each and every entry and documented it, including libraries, Advanced, Menus etc. See microBlocks_TR_Issues file attached.

Also providing another update to the TR translation due to a misspelled word.

Apart from all of the above, I have noticed a few library commands that do not execute correctly.

Is this something I would report to you or someone else ?

Finally, I do not now how, but I would very much like to help making some of the corrections I document, instead of just dumping on you guys. If there is a way I can contribute, I would like to do it. But since I do not have any idea on what’s involved, I need some explaining. Please advise if I can be of any use to ease the workload.

Comments (2)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks for your careful documentation of all those TR issues. MicroBlocks is still in alpha, and we’re still adding new commands and revising libraries. We’re also in the process of some major changes to the UI, which will also impact the translations.

    Re: I would very much like to help making some of the corrections I document

    I really appreciate the offer, but it might be better to wait to wait until September or October to do more translation work. By that time I hope that the UI changes will be finished and the libraries will be settling down. However, if you have to add additional translations to the Turkish translation file (e.g. because you’re using certain libraries with students), feel free to post updated versions here. You can pull the source strings for the library blocks out of the .ulib files.

    However, because things are in flux, any work you do over the summer might require another pass as the system evolves. For example, I recently rewrote the servo library because problems observed in workshops taught us that the old design was confusing. You’d do less overall work if you wait a bit…

    Thanks again for your thoughtful comments and suggestions.

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