Want "when any message received" block

Issue #307 resolved
Wenjie Wu created an issue

I want the "when any message received" block, like the Snap! block:

When the block is used with last message, it is convenient to process messages programmatically.

In the absence of the block, it is difficult to process each message one by one. because “There is no queueing of the messages in the system.“

And It is also useful when MicroBlocks process messages from external systems .

By the way , I finished the Scratch3 Exteniosn for MicroBlocks, the "when any message received" block was requested by a Scratch user(his project). He is currently using some hack skill to achieve his goal. If there is the block, it will be much easier to achieve the goal.

Comments (5)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    MicroBlocks has that capability, too. Just use an empty string as the message received to receive all messages. There is a "last message" in control when you show advanced blocks.

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