Can MicroBlocks support MPU6050?

Issue #320 resolved
梁帅 created an issue

Hi John,

I found that only three attitude sensor chips LSM303AGRTR, BMX055 and LIS3DH are supported in the Motion library. Could MicroBlocks add support for MPU6050? The MPU6050 has more functions and lower cost.

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    It looks as though it might be difficult to get that particular chip due to the global chip shortage.

    Is the MPU6050 used in any commercial microcontroller boards used for education?

    We are not likely to support the MPU6050 unless the chip is used in one of our supported boards. However, a community member could write a MicroBlocks library for that chip entirely in MicroBlocks, using the I2C functions in the "Comm" category. If the library were well-written and well-tested, we would be happy to distribute it with MicroBlocks.

  2. 梁帅 reporter

    Got it. I will try to write the I2C driver of the MPU6050 later, evaluate the feasibility of other chips at the same time. Thanks you, John Maloney.😆

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