pin External camera timecode that can be radio sync to other microbit

Issue #325 closed
Tim Harding created an issue


can someone make some mircoblock code for me I would like if it was possible a external camera Timecode synchronization with other cameras and microphone using pins and 3.5mm jack plug? This would be great fun to create and also the timecode synchronization box for this are a lot of money and for professional film makers. But it would be nice to make one of my own to make it easier to sync videos and audios together.

Comments (2)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    I don't know enough about camera timecodes to help with this.

    But I'd encourage you to give it a try yourself. I'd start by figuring out the interface to the camera. I'm guessing it might be just a simple switch, in which case a relay might do the trick. If you are using a micro:bit, you might use the microphone volume to trigger the camera -- e.g. in response to a clap.

    Note that sound takes about a millisecond to travel a foot so if you are trying to synchronize multiple cameras that could be a factor. I've seen professional photographers that used slave flash units that were triggered by the light from the primary flash on the camera.

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