blocks highlighting

Issue #388 resolved
Wenjie Wu created an issue

Some blocks are not highlighted when clicked (the say block is highlighted when it is clicked, but other blocks are not highlighted), which causes users to think that the block is not executed and click repeatedly.

I copied the discussion from Discord:

Peter : Just an idea. Is this not because those blocks are executed very fast that you do not see that they get highlighted? For instance these blocks that I added are a good example. The condition wait until true looks "not" highlighted because it is true and executed fast. The wait until false stays highlighted because it is waiting for the condition to be false. Same goes for the forever and repeat blocks. Forever stays highlighted. The repeat blocks doesn't look highlighted if the number of repeats is very low. With a higher number of repeats it gets highlighted.

John: As Peter says, the issue is that a fast-runnign block or script finished execution within a single frame (1/60th second) so the highlight never even appears on the screen. When this first came up in Scratch, we made the highlight persist for a few frames even if the script had finished running. We could the same for MicroBlocks.

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks for adding this to the issue tracker. I have a fix that will be in the next pilot release.

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