After modifying the program parameters, the program will not take effect after burning the motherboard

Issue #391 resolved
xixicarry created an issue

Hi John, I found that after I successfully connected to the platform using the ESP32 motherboard and modified some parameters of the program, sometimes the content would not be saved to the board, and when I clicked start, I would occasionally get the error "Error:Unknown chunk index" and click the "red button" to stop and re-burn the program.

Comments (8)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this and attaching the program. I will investigate.

    Are you using MicroBlocks in the Chrome or Edge browser or the downloaded app?

    How can I reproduce the problem? Does it always happen when edit a particular script or parameter?

    There is an experimental optimization in the pilot release that makes it faster to resynchronize when you disconnect and then reconnect the ESP32. If you are using the pilot release, you might try using the stable release to see if that eliminates the problem.

  2. xixicarry reporter

    Hi John, using the latest version of Google Chrome, try importing the program if you reproduce it, then modify some of the parameters of the custom blocks, I'm not sure if I have to connect the servo and motor

  3. xixicarry reporter

    Hi John, what is the progress of this issue so far? Can it be reproduced? During the training of our events, there are also teachers and students who often encounter this problem, the program cannot be downloaded to the main board in real time, do you need more information from our side?

  4. John Maloney repo owner

    I'm very sorry to hear that teachers and students are running into this problem. I want to fix it, but I need more info.

    What versions of the MicroBlocks IDE and VM are you using? The "about..." dialog box gives that information. What operating system version?

    I have not been able to reproduce the problem, so it is difficult to debug. It would be super helpful if someone could figure out a specific sequence of steps -- as simple as possible -- that always results in a failure.

    Is it possible that this is a hardware issue, such as a loose USB cable connection? I have seen that problem with older laptop computers.

    The program you provided is quite large, close to the maximum possible size, so that could be tickling a bug.

    If I can figure out how to reproduce it, then I can dig deeper.

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