DFRobot: Environment Science Expansion Board V2.0 for micro:bit

Issue #397 resolved
connochaetes created an issue

Hi, it would be nice to habe a library für this board:
Environment Science Expansion Board V2.0 for micro:bit
I am aware, that some features are already possible. Perhaps, someone is able to make a library with full feature functionality. I appreciate the community’s work very much. So, keep up your work. Greetings.

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Many of the devices on that board are already supported by MicroBlocks, including the BME280 sensor and the OLED display. (The OLED display requires a micro:bit v2.) The light, sound, UV, and water quality sensors (and maybe the soil moisture sensor) can be read with the "read analog pin" block. The RGB LED can be controlled with the NeoPixel library, the buzzer with the Tone library, and the motor with "set pin _ to _" block (which generates a PWM output based on an input range of 0-1023).

    However, MicroBlocks does not yet have libraries for the temperature probe, CCS811 Air Quality Sensor, or the WIFI IoT module.

    If you have one of these kits, you can already use most of the components with MicroBlocks. If you want to do a bit of work, you can find some code for the temperature sensor in the databot library, although it would need to be modified. The CCS811 Air Quality Sensor is an I2C sensor for which you could write your own library using the I2C blocks in the (advanced) "Comm" category.

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