Is it possible to add a VM of ESP32 Cam on MicroBlocks?

Issue #407 resolved
Tom Ming created an issue

Hi @John Maloney ,

ESP32 Cam is offen used by makers on some video projects. Is it possible to add a VM of ESP32 Cam on MicroBlocks?



Comments (6)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Should be possible, I think (although limited RAM might be an issue). I don't have time to work on this right now but I would welcome a pull request if you or someone else is willing to add the camera support.

  2. John Maloney repo owner

    The pilot release recently added support for the Freenova ESP32 Camera ( It would probably not be difficult to add support for a different ESP32 camera board. The camera pin assignments tend be different for different boards, but you could probably extend cameraPrims.cpp to add support for other ESP32 camera boards that use the esp_camera library.

    I don't have ESP32 Cam to test, but if you have one and are willing to test it, I can try adding support for it. You'll need to use PlatformIO to build and install the MicroBlocks firmware for the camera board.

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