Why M5Stack Core only has 4000 free memory?

Issue #451 resolved
patch li (二毛与我) created an issue

In MicroBlocks, I observed that the free memory for the M5Stack Core is only 4000 (kb?), while the ESP32 shows 20000, and the micro:bit has 23000 free memory. In theory, the ESP32 should have more memory than the micro:bit, so why does MicroBlocks show less memory for the ESP32? Upon checking the M5Stack official website, it indicates that the M5Stack Core has a larger memory (8M) compared to the ESP32. Why is MicroBlocks only able to use such a small amount of memory of M5stack Core?

Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Just install the latest MicroBlocks firmware (v210) on your M5Stack Core. It will should then show 20000 words of free memory like other ESP32 boards.

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