Loss of comments

Issue #463 resolved
xixicarry created an issue

Hi John, after saving the program to the motherboard, when I open the program on the motherboard the next time I use it, my written comments are lost, what is the reason for this?

Test Video

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    That is the expected behavior. The program source code is not stored on the board, only the compiled code. When you open the program from from the board, it re-created the code of the original program through a process called "decompilation".

    Decompilation process is useful for recovering a program from a board if you no longer have the source code, or recovering a "mystery program" from a board, but it is not a substitute for keeping the original source code.

    I know it would be nice to be able to store the full source code on the board but many boards do not have enough memory to do that, especially when the program includes a lot of large libraries.

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