Loss of selection menu

Issue #464 resolved
xixicarry created an issue

Hi John, I wrote a block library, when I save the program to the motherboard, the next time I use to open the program in the motherboard, I found that the selection menu will be lost and become unselectable, what is the reason for this?

test video

This is my library

Comments (10)

  1. xixicarry reporter

    After testing, I found that this problem occurs in this new directory that I defined, but not in other directories

  2. John Maloney repo owner

    Yes, that is because the selection menu in your custom library is part of the source code that is not included in the compiled code that is actually stored on the board.

    See my comment about decompiation on issue 463.

    One solution is to keep the source code of your block library in a file and reload that file after decompilation.

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    You can decompile your program from the board, then drag-and-drop the library file onto the IDE and your selection menu will re-appear!

  4. yx feng

    I found this problem only with libraries in the Longan Core directory, which I added to the source code and should not need to decompile it!

  5. John Maloney repo owner

    The Longan Core libraries are not part of the MicroBlocks stable release, which is what you get with the URL:


    However, from the screenshot (not the video) it appears that those libraries are part of the Chinese version of MicroBlocks. If so, then if you decompile a project (i.e. load from board) using that Chinese version then I believe the decompiler will load the library automatically and you'll get the choices menu.

  6. yx feng

    Yes, this directory is part of the Chinese version of MicroBlocks, here is the link, can you open it there? You can load the ubl library in the Longan Core directory.

  7. yx feng

    Hi John, in the Chinese version of the latest version of the test will not appear this problem, the version of the above domain update to the latest problem will be solved, thank you for your reply!

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