"Install ESP Firmware from URL" does not support ESP32S3 boards

Issue #493 resolved
Sean shao created an issue

Currently, the ESP32S3 firmware cannot be installed in the MicroBlocks IDE, is it possible to make the "Install ESP Firmware from URL" support the ESP32S3 firmware? Or need a new “ Install ESP32 S3 Firmware from URL” option?

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    This requires extending the version of ESPTool that is built into MicroBlocks to handle the ESP32 S2, S3, C3, and C6. That task is on our "to-do" list but I'm not sure exactly when it will happen.

    Meanwhile, a workaround is to use Espressif's ESPTool from the command line to install MicroBlocks firmware.


    ESPTool is just a Python program. It is easier to install and use that to install a pre-built virtual machine than it is to build and install from source using PlatformIO.

  2. John Maloney repo owner

    Support added in pilot release 1.2.70. The IDE supports installing firmware from URLs on ESP32 S2, S3, and C3 boards, as well as class ESP32 and ESP8266 boards.

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