Issue where blocks need to be moved to load after reconnecting development boards

Issue #499 closed
C WEIB created an issue

I encountered this problem in the second modification of the vm firmware, I am after the completion of the compilation and again connected to the microblocks, I need to move the blocks to reload in order to use the relevant blocks, otherwise in the case of non-movement click on the block development board will cause the core blocking phenomenon will be automatically restarted, is this problem is the operation of my side of the problem?

Comments (7)

  1. C WEIB reporter

    This is the case of moving blocks to reload the blocks by clicking on them

    Move it before it reloads and click again for it to work properly

  2. John Maloney repo owner

    The "Guru Meditation Error" indicates that your firmware is crashing. (The error comes from ESP runtime debugger.) From the message, it looks like your C code may be trying to write to read-only or non-existent memory. That could be caused by a null or uninitialized pointer in your C++ code.

  3. C WEIB reporter

    It doesn't seem to be a firmware problem, after I move the blocks, he will have a block loading process, only after loading can it run normally, otherwise it will be an error, I mean is it possible to automatically do the function of loading the current blocks after the development board is reconnected to the Microblocks, so that you don't need to move the blocks a little bit every time to reload them into the development board!

  4. John Maloney repo owner

    I might not have understood "second modification of the vm firmware". Does that mean that you have changed the VM software?

    From the screenshots, the reason you need to move the blocks to resync is that the MicroBlocks firmware is crashing when the IDE first connects to the board, which is interrupting the normal synchronization process.

    Try the following: 1. Update the MicroBlocks firmware on the board from the latest Pilot version of MicroBlocks IDE (v1.2.71). 2. Reload the project file. 3. Disconnect and reconnect.

    If you are still see the failure with the standard firmware, please let me know which board you are using and provide a link to the project that is failing (you can use "save project as URL" from the File menu to do that.) and I will investigate.

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