Bug Report. Bug in Microblocks firmware V236, about MicroBlocks messaging library in Snap!

Issue #517 resolved
bitbucketyeah created an issue


I just wanted to learn the usage of the MicroBlocks messaging library in Snap! ( see MicroBlocks and Snap! Communication with Messages | MicroBlocks Wiki ). I wrote the following codes in Snap!, which broadcast on/off text message to a Microblocks program.


The Microblocks program, running on ESP32,  receives on/off text message and turn on/off a led.  Note: The firmware version is V236.


When I ran the Snap! codes, I found that the MicroBlocks messaging library  in Snap! did not work well.  As the following picture, on the snap! side, 44 messages were sent. But on the microblocks side ( ide didn't connect to ESP32 ), only 9 messages were received.

But…, after I updated firmware in ESP32 to V210 (the version from https://microblocks.fun), the problem did not occur, and the Microblocks Messaging library works well. When sending messages from the Microblocks side to the Snap! side, it works well both in V210 and in V236. For exmaple, if the Microblocks side broadcasts 89 messages, the Snap! side will receive 89 messages.

So, there is a problem in firmware V236, but not in firmware V210. I guess, there are some bugs in the new version.

Comments (8)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    I was able to reproduce this problem on an ESP32 but not on a micro:bit, so the problem may be specific to the ESP32. Lots has changed between v210 and v236, including the introduction of BLE so it may take a while to track this down. I dig into it...

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