Please make the hotspot for dragging blocks more logical and predictable

Issue #518 open
Russell Owen created an issue

I use the macOS standalone IDE and find that when dragging blocks that the hotspot position is unpredictable. When dragging long blocks onto something I often find that the hotspot is near the right-hand edge, even if I am dragging a point near the left of the block. And sometimes not. I haven’t figured out the pattern. If practical, I suggest that the hotspot be in either of the following two positions (whichever you prefer):

  • The top edge of the block, aligned directly above the mouse pointer. (One could make it literally the pointer, but then part of the block obscures the thing you are dropping it onto).
  • The upper left corner of the block.

I have no idea if this is also true on other versions of the IDE, such as the Chrome web browser version.

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