Too-large blocks not reliably flagged to the user

Issue #522 open
Russell Owen created an issue

Blocks that are too large to download are not flagged as such, under the following circumstances:

  • Edit a text library that has valid blocks.
  • Load the library into the IDE (mac standalone 1.2.77 firmware v237 for pico-xrp)
  • Modify the text library such that one block is too large to download.
  • Delete the library in the IDE
  • Load the new (invalid) library in the IDE

I observe that the new library seems to load just fine, but in fact the too-large block is not downloaded (as one can see by going to the console, which I didn’t know about). But running that block gives a mysterious-to-me error about an invalid chunk index (I may have seen a variant about chunk size, but it’s always complaining about a chunk).

I am calling this minor because it probably affects few people, but I found it quite disruptive as I had no idea what was wrong, and thus no idea how to fix it. Thanks to John M for figuring it out.

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