Request for drag-and-drop load of text libraries to be more robust

Issue #524 resolved
Russell Owen created an issue

I am working on a set of inter-dependent libraries (XRP, Encoded DC Motors, and PID). I prefer to do most of my work in a text editor. But loading the updated code is tricky for two reasons:

1: I have to manually delete a library before loading a new version. Loading without deleting appears to work, but it rarely fully replaces the existing library (including existing code in the main code area). It would be really helpful if dragging in a new version of a library reliably overwrote the existing version. In other words, if the first operation for dragging in a new library was to delete any existing loaded library by that name.

2: For inter-dependent libraries that are already built into the IDE (as is the case for the ones I’m working on) it is a nuisance to load updated text libraries. When I drag in XRP it loads the built in versions of Encoded… and PID. So I then have to delete Encoded… and load my own version, then delete PID and load my own version. In exactly that order, or I end up with the built-in versions.

It would be much more convenient to be able to drag all 3 of my libraries in at once. But I fear that even if 1 is fixed, which versions of the dependencies will be loaded may depend on what order the IDE loads the libraries I drag in. Suppose XRP is loaded last. Will the IDE realize that its dependencies are already loaded, or will it just plow ahead and load the built-in versions of the dependencies? If the former, then no problem. If the latter, please consider also fixing this.

Comments (2)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Fixed in v1.2.79, I believe. Dragging in new version of an existing library should replace the existing library and NOT load dependent libraries. I've tested it but please verify that it works for your use-case.

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