Question about BLE ID display

Issue #537 resolved
xixicarry created an issue

Hi John, how do I go about disabling the display of the BLE ID for a specific motherboard?

Comments (9)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    The easiest way is to connect the board then click the BLE id block in the Input category. That works on all boards that support BLE.

    Boards with displays, such as the micro:bit V2, will show the three-letter BLE IDE when they power up.

  2. xixicarry reporter

    Sorry, maybe I expressed it wrong, my current motherboard can display the BLE ID normally when powering up, but I want to disable this display and not do the BLE ID display when powering up

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    Oh, I see.

    If you build your own MicroBlocks firmware, you can just comment out the call to show_BLE_ID() in the file vm/ideComm.cpp. Or, alternatively, you could a return statement at the start of show_BLE_ID().

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