microBlocks Crashes

Issue #54 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi John

As I was working on my latest program, I started experiencing mb crashes. Crashes happened during the EDITING of the program, not while running it. They happened several times in a row. I kept terminating the program and restarting it. Then after maybe 6 or 8 occurrences it stopped happening and the editing continued without any problems.

It first starts with the following error msgs in the command.com window:

Memory cleared messages are because I was trying to clear it in small steps trying to prevent the crash.

After a few more block moves in the editor, it totally crashes and displays rolling messages in the command.com window.

Since it got way too long to capture, I am placing a section here where I deleted the repeating end portion:

SDL2 headers: 2.0.7; lib: 2.0.7
Connected to COM5
All tasks stopped
All tasks stopped
Memory cleared
All tasks stopped
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Large stack; showing only the first 100 frames
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Large stack; showing only the first 100 frames
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Large stack; showing only the first 100 frames
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Large stack; showing only the first 100 frames
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Large stack; showing only the first 100 frames
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Large stack; showing only the first 100 frames
gc needed to allocate bitmap; 6050148 freed
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?
Could not grow stack; infinite recursion?

In case it is helpful, I am enclosing the Task Mgr window showing the Program stats:

Please advise if any more info is needed to address the problem.

If you want the offending program, I can send it to you.

Since the problem seems to indicate some sort of memory shortage (my assumption), is there a SIZE limit to the programs ?

I am sure there always is some sort of limit, but I do not think what I have is that big or is doing anything resource consuming.


Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    This is probably a bug in the IDE, possibly triggered by something about the scripts in this particular project. If it happens again, save the project and send it to us. A reproducible test case would be super helpful.

  2. John Maloney repo owner

    Downgrading priority to “minor” because this bug seems to be rare and we can’t debug it without a reproducible test case.

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