ver 0.28 newlist __ ver 0.3.0 newArray __

Issue #58 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi John,

Just started working with the 0.3.0 version.

I was editing a program that was created in the 0.2.8 that used the “set list to newList __” command. In the new version the newList __ became newArray __, but I did not see any newArray __ in the Lists & Strings group.

The same with the corresponding fillArray __ __.

Also, the newArray __ and fillArray __ __ are showing up as a BLUE blocks in the coding area, which does not fit the color scheme for List & Strings (burgundy) or Variables (brown).

Comments (3)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this! It’s definitely a bug.

    Those operations got renamed from xxxArray to xxxList. The blocks are blue to show that the operations are obsolete. I’ll look into a fix.

    P.S. Those blocks will still work, they just don’t match the ones in the palette. If you want, you can just replace them with the equivalent blocks from the palette. Note that “newArray _” is called “new list length _” in the palette and it is an advanced block. “fillArray” should be replaced with “replace item ‘all’ from list _ with _”. (You can select ‘all’ from the dropdown menu.)

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