Custom Block Name Bug

Issue #59 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi John,

I noticed this bug in ver 0.2.8 but did not get a chance to report it. Also happening in 0.3.0.

Demo pictures are attached.

I have a program code under When started.

Then I define a Custom Block and add it to the When started as a block.

Now, if you click on the Custom Block’s Define header and change the name of the Custom Block, as soon as you hit ENTER, depending on where you inserted the Custom Block in the When Started block, the code from the beginning of the When Started up to the Custom Block is DUPLICATED.

This happens even if there is no code in the Custom Block, but the Define hat block.

The killer is, if the When Started block is long enough to go below the bottom edge of the Editor, then the insertion is very HARD to notice or not noticed at all.

Sorry, I could not attach the files in order. Obviously #1 before #2.

Comments (5)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks for the very clear bug report. I’m able to reproduce the bug. Will fix.

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