
Issue #597 resolved
Geek created an issue

With the steppers library, I define several motors.

When commanding any motor to move, motor 1 is the only one that moves

Comments (7)

  1. Joan Guillén i Pelegay

    Sorry @Geek

    I’m checking the code and I see the bug :(

    I write down this here (to remember it and also because you can test and change the block for your project as a temporary workaround) but I want to test it (I haven’t any stepper motor now) before PR and fix the issue. I’ll do it next week.

    The problem is inside the definition of the block

    Inside it there is the block

    But the right thing is

    Sorry and continue till this was fixed.


  2. John Maloney repo owner

    Thanks for finding the problem! The fix will be in the next pilot release. If you find any other problems when you test, next week, let me know.

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    Great! I'm marking this resolved but feel to leave additional comments. The fix is in v2.0.39 (both pilot and stable).

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