Question: WebThing Server Access from phone on same LAN

Issue #65 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi John,

Is it possible to access the server from other devices in the local LAN?

I can work with it from the browser in the PC where the micoBlocks is running, but I cannot get a response from any other local device.

I can individually PING the devices and reach each of them.

PC running MB and Server:

Cell phone on local WIFI: - cannot access server (no mobile data, just WIFI)

Thx for any pointers.

Comments (5)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    You should be able to access the server from another device on the same local network given that you can ping it. (There’s a WiFi router setting the prevents devices from seeing other devices on the same subnet, but if you had that feature enabled then you wouldn't be able to ping the device.)

    Make sure you use HTTP, not HTTPS, and uses port 6473 like this:

    Does that help?

  2. John Maloney repo owner

    It sounds as though the browser on your phone can’t access the MicroBlocks Web Thing Server running on a PC on the same network.

    What type of phone and browser is it?

    Can you access the MicroBlocks Web Thing Server from another laptop/desktop computer running on the same LAN? If so, your phone’s browser may be blocking access for security reasons.

  3. John Maloney repo owner

    This works for me with the current HTTP server. Be sure to use HTTP (not HTTPS) and to include the port number in the IP address as described above.

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