microBlocks to .HEX format and other EMBEDDING ideas

Issue #69 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi John,

As I was working on some MakeCode tutorials, I came across the ability of MakeCode programs to be EMBEDDED as:

  • CODE: show program blocks
  • EDITOR: takes you to the MakeCode with program loaded
  • SIMULATOR: embeds the simulator in web page and runs selected program in the Simulator

My questions are (Even though I anticipate the answer to be a “no”):

  1. What is the likelihood of microBlocks programs to be turned in .HEX format files for execution in the simulator?
  2. Is there a way to provide an embedded version of the microBlocks to enhance tutorial experiences?
  3. OR - would it be possible to publish a microBlocks code ( entire program or executable block fragments) and when clicked have it open in the uBlocks IDE with it loaded.

Thanks, Turgut

Comments (2)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    We don’t have a micro:bit simulator and I doubt the MakeCode simulator is a full ARM simulator capable of running the MicroBlocks virtual machine, so (1) and (2) would be really difficult.

    Regarding (3): On some platforms (e.g ChromeOS) double-clicking on a .ubp file will launch MicroBlocks. On MacOS, you can manually associate an app with a given file extension. I’m not sure if our Windows installer adds the appropriate registry entries to launch MicroBlocks when you double-click on a project, but you may be able to set that up manually. Once set up, people could download a MicroBlocks project (.ubp) file and double-click on it to launch it. Project files can include executable block fragments.

    So, one way to make a tutorial is to create a project with bunch of commented code fragments and invite people to explore it. Our colleague Kathy Giori from Mozilla has done some tutorials that way.

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