TRANSLATION Issues - missing strings

Issue #89 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Including a slightly corrected TR version, attached.

I was reviewing the new TR translation and noticed several strings NOT translated in the IDE. However, when I searched for the --MISSING-- entries in the TR file, there were not any !

So it seems, these are not included in the translation files and they do not have a --MISSING-- in the IDE:

  1. COMM: i2c device _ read list _
    i2c device _ write list _
  2. CONTROL: last message
  3. Lists & Strings - Advanced: join items of list _ separator _


  1. ED1 Buttons: _ED1__buttons_init
  2. ED1 Step Motor: move motor _ _ steps _
    move motor _ angle _
  3. System - Misc Primitives: arg count
    arg _
  4. System - Servo Primitives: set servo pin _ to _ usecs
  5. System - Touch Screen: TFT touched
    TFT touch X position
    TFT touch Y position
    TFT touch pressure
  6. System - WIFI / IOT Primitives: append to thing description
    append to thing property _
  7. Button Events: __buttonLoop
    __read button _
    __button _
  8. Calliope: Calliope set LED red _ green _ blue _
    Calliope set speaker _
    Calliope loudness
  9. Circuit Playground: Circuit Playground set speaker _
    Circuit Playground slide switch
  10. DHT: all commands
  11. DotStar: all commands
  12. Hummingbird: SPI HB Lock
    SPI HB Unlock
    SPI Command _ _ _ _
    _ within _ and _
  13. IR Remote: __captureIRMessage
    __getIRByte _
  14. Motion: __addSample _
  15. NEOPixel: random color
    __NeoPixel_rotate_left _
  16. PIR: __PIR at pin _
  17. Radio: __radio Last message type
    __radio receive packet _
    __radio send packet _
    __radio last signal strength
    __radio set channel (0-83) _
  18. RFID: all commands
  19. Scrolling: __convert_to_shapes _
    __scroll_digit_shapes _
  20. Servo: stop servo _
    __servoIndex _
    __servoPulse pin _ usecs _
  21. Tone: there’s a block without text on it !!
    __baseFreqForNote _
    __baseFreqForSharpOrFlat _
    __baseFreqForSemitone _
    __toneLoop _ for _ milliseconds
  22. Turtle: point in direction _
  23. WebThing: __add to last property key _ value _

Comments (8)

  1. Bernat Romagosa

    Hi, Turgut.

    Thanks for noticing those. However, with the new translation system, you should not add any strings to the TR file, but to the Locales.txt one instead. Otherwise, they’re going to be steam rolled when we run the update script.

    Also, blocks whose name starts with an underscore should not be translated. These are internal methods that don’t get shown to regular users and are discouraged to use by anyone except library developers. Notice how they don’t show up unless you’re in advanced mode.

    Thanks for finding the rest of the missing strings. I will add these to Locale.txt and send you a new updated TR file so you can fill them up.



  2. Bernat Romagosa

    Hmm… looking at this, I don’t think we want to translate any system primitives for the moment either, is that right, @John Maloney ?

  3. Bernat Romagosa

    Sorry for breaking this up in so many replies, I’m writing as I review these 🙂

    Basically, I think we don’t want to translate anything that only shows up when you’re in advanced mode. These are things that are either just for advanced developers or still in testing, so we don’t want to waste translators time in strings that may change or go away in the end. Examples: last message, any of the System libraries (we should probably hide those from the library file picker) and any blocks that start with underscore.

  4. John Maloney repo owner

    I agree. For now, at least, we should not translate system primitives or the internal methods of libraries (the ones that only show up when you show advanced blocks). Partly, those are implementation details that may change. But the bigger reason is that most users will never see them and when we eventually write a reference guide they won’t be included.

    Thanks for making this list, Turgut. You found several libraries that are missing or which have commands that need to be updated in the master Locales.txt file so that they can be translated.

    You’ve probably seen Bernat’s blog post about the new translation system:

  5. Bernat Romagosa

    Hi, Turgut!

    Sorry about the delay. I was working on stuff that was going to add a lot of new strings, so I waited until now to update the translation files. Please find the new Turkish template here:ürkçe.txt

    Note that internal (hidden) library blocks have not been added to the translation template. These are not meant to be translated, at least for the time being.

    As always, thanks for your careful review and testing of MicroBlocks! 🙂

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