TUTORIAL - I2C Connectivity from micro:bit to Arduino

Issue #90 resolved
Turgut Guneysu created an issue

Hi john,

Here is my attempt to provide a write-up on how to achieve I2C communication between micro:bit and Arduino.

I attached the document below, but here is also the link from Google Drive:


I tried to use the format of the samples you have provided. If it needs work in any shape or form, please let me know and I will rework it towards what you 'll suggest.

If you think it is useful or helpful, please place on the appropriate web pages for microBlocks.


Comments (4)

  1. John Maloney repo owner

    Just saw this. Cool! I will add a link to this tutorial on the Learn page when I get a chance. (I’m traveling all next week so it might not happen until I return.)

  2. Turgut Guneysu reporter

    Thanks for this John. Since you are going to use it, please copy or load it to an area for microBlocks, so it is independent of my version.

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