
John Peck Create a pipe table of drill diameters and uses from a PCB drill file

Updated by Former user

File drilltable.tcl Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 package require cmdline
 set usage "usage: [file tail $argv0] \[options] filename"
 set options {
+    {t.arg none "Comma separated list of tool codes for filled holes"}
 try {
 # Start processing the file
 set raw_line_list [read_file $datafile]
+puts $params(t)
 set drill_diameter_dict [get_drill_diameters $raw_line_list]
 set drill_count_dict [init_drill_count_dict $drill_diameter_dict]
 set drill_units [get_drill_units $raw_line_list]
Updated by Former user

File drilltable.tcl Modified

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
 	    # The dimensions are in inches
 	    set units inch
+	if {[string first METRIC $line] == 0} {
+	    # The dimensions are in mm
+	    set units mm
+	}
     if {[string equal $units none]} {
 	# We could not determine the units
 proc write_drill_table {drill_diameter_dict drill_count_dict drill_units} {
     # Write a pipe-delimited drill table
+    #
+    # Arguments:
+    #   drill_diameter_dict -- Dictionary of (tool code) : (tool diameter)
+    #   drill_count_dict -- Dictionary of (tool code) : (tool count)
+    #   drill_units -- Either inch or mm
     set drill_diameter_dict [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -real $drill_diameter_dict]
     set tool_width 10
     set size_width 20
Created by John Peck

File drilltable.tcl Added

  • Ignore whitespace
  • Hide word diff
+# Hey Emacs, use -*- Tcl -*- mode
+set scriptname [file rootname $argv0]
+# ---------------------- Command line parsing -------------------------
+package require cmdline
+set usage "usage: [file tail $argv0] \[options] filename"
+set options {
+try {
+    array set params [::cmdline::getoptions argv $options $usage]
+} trap {CMDLINE USAGE} {msg o} {
+    # Trap the usage signal, print the message, and exit the application.
+    # Note: Other errors are not caught and passed through to higher levels!
+    puts $msg
+    exit 1
+# After cmdline is done, argv will point to the last argument
+if {[llength $argv] == 1} {
+    set datafile $argv
+} else {
+    puts [cmdline::usage $options $usage]
+    exit 1
+proc read_file {filename} {
+    # Return a list of lines from an input file
+    #
+    # The file consists of capacitance measurements.
+    if { [catch {open $filename r} fid] } {
+	    puts "Could not open file $filename"
+	return
+    }
+    set datafile_list [split [read $fid] "\n"]
+    return $datafile_list
+proc get_drill_diameters {raw_line_list} {
+    # Returns a dictionary of (tool code) : (tool diameter)
+    #
+    # Arguments:
+    #   raw_line_list -- List of lines from a NC drill file
+    set tool_diameter_dict [dict create]
+    foreach line $raw_line_list {
+	if {[string first % $line] == 0} {
+	    # This is the start of the data section
+	    break
+	}
+	if {[string first T $line] == 0} {
+	    # This is a tool code line
+	    set linelist [split $line C]
+	    set toolcode [lindex $linelist 0]
+	    set diameter [lindex $linelist 1]
+	    dict set tool_diameter_dict $toolcode $diameter
+	}
+    }
+    return $tool_diameter_dict
+proc get_drill_units {raw_line_list} {
+    # Returns either inch or mm for the drill diameter units
+    #
+    # Arguments:
+    #   raw_line_list -- List of lines from a NC drill file
+    set units none
+    foreach line $raw_line_list {
+	if {[string first % $line] == 0} {
+	    # This is the start of the data section
+	    break
+	}
+	if {[string first INCH $line] == 0} {
+	    # The dimensions are in inches
+	    set units inch
+	}
+    }
+    if {[string equal $units none]} {
+	# We could not determine the units
+	puts "Error -- could not determine drill diameter units"
+	exit
+    }
+    return $units
+proc init_drill_count_dict {drill_diameter_dict} {
+    # Return an initialized dictionary of (tool code) : (tool count)
+    #
+    # Arguments:
+    #   drill_diameter_dict -- Dictionary of (tool code) : (tool diameter)
+    set drill_count_dict [dict create]
+    foreach tool [dict keys $drill_diameter_dict] {
+	dict set drill_count_dict $tool 0
+    }
+    return $drill_count_dict
+proc update_drill_count {drill_count_dict raw_line_list} {
+    # Return an updated dictionary of (tool code) : (tool count)
+    #
+    # Arguments:
+    #   drill_count_dict -- Dictionary of (tool code) : (tool count)
+    #   raw_line_list -- List of lines from a NC drill file
+    set data_started false
+    set current_tool none
+    foreach line $raw_line_list {
+	if {[string first % $line] == 0} {
+	    # This is the start of the data section
+	    set data_started true
+	}
+	if {[string first T $line] == 0 && $data_started} {
+	    # This is the start of a new tool section
+	    set current_tool $line
+	}
+	if {[string first X $line] == 0 && ![string equal $current_tool none]} {
+	    # This is a new drill location
+	    dict incr drill_count_dict $current_tool
+	}
+    }
+    return $drill_count_dict
+proc write_drill_table {drill_diameter_dict drill_count_dict drill_units} {
+    # Write a pipe-delimited drill table
+    set drill_diameter_dict [lsort -stride 2 -index 1 -real $drill_diameter_dict]
+    set tool_width 10
+    set size_width 20
+    set count_width 10
+    set separator "|-[string repeat - $tool_width]-"
+    append separator "+-[string repeat - $size_width]-"
+    append separator "+-[string repeat - $count_width]-|"
+    puts $separator
+    puts [format "| %-*s | %-*s | %-*s | " \
+	      $tool_width "Tool" \
+	      $size_width "Hole size ($drill_units)" \
+	      $count_width "Count"]
+    puts $separator
+    foreach tool [dict keys $drill_diameter_dict] {
+	puts [format "| %-*s | %-*s | %-*s | " $tool_width $tool \
+		  $size_width [dict get $drill_diameter_dict $tool] \
+		  $count_width [dict get $drill_count_dict $tool]
+	     ]
+    }
+    puts $separator
+# Start processing the file
+set raw_line_list [read_file $datafile]
+set drill_diameter_dict [get_drill_diameters $raw_line_list]
+set drill_count_dict [init_drill_count_dict $drill_diameter_dict]
+set drill_units [get_drill_units $raw_line_list]
+set drill_count_dict [update_drill_count $drill_count_dict $raw_line_list]
+write_drill_table $drill_diameter_dict $drill_count_dict $drill_units
  1. 1
  2. 2

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