add support for powershell on MacOs and Linux

Issue #110 new
marvhen created an issue

uru admin add works as well as uru ls but uru TAG throws:

panic: uru invoked from unknown shell (check URU_INVOKER env var)

Comments (5)

  1. Jon repo owner

    I’ve no mac to try to repo, but I am using ps 7.0 on ubuntu 19.10 x64.

    What’s your ps linux config and how are you using ps to call uru? Specifically, are you using ps as your main shell (aka bash replacement) or something else?

  2. marvhen reporter

    Right now I’m on a mac…haven’t tried/installed on linux yet.

    • Yes, I am using pwsh as my main shell
    • $env:SHLVL is 0
    • $env:SHELL is set to /bin/bash (making uru think I am in bash)….I assume this value is inherited from somewhere and am not sure what damage would be done if I changed/removed it.

  3. Jon repo owner

    The problem is that the current version of uru doesn’t have the builtins for the switcher script and helper function magic on *nix w/pwsh. And I don’t think there’s a simple workaround like setting an envar to make it work. Will have to dig around a bit to see what it would take to implement.

  4. marvhen reporter

    This challenge inspired me to give my hand a try at the Go programming language for the first time.

    These changes got uru working on my machine but I also needed changes in my powershell and bash profile scripts as follows:

    for ~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.Powershell_profile.ps1 I had to…

    • explicitly assign $env:SHELL = "/usr/local/bin/pwsh" because by default is is /bin/bash
    • assign $env:URU_HOME = "$env:HOME/.uru"

      • edit: I just realized the uru script is using $env:USERPROFILE which is what is in windows….can fix by using $env:HOME
    • define function global:uru {...}with the scriptblock being the output of uru_rt admin install

    for ~/.bashrc I had to…

    • explicitly export SHELL=/bin/bash because launching bash from pwsh would cause the spawned process to inherit /usr/local/bin/pwsh for the environment variable.

    So far with these changes uru apperars to be correctly changing paths and allowing me to switch rubies correctly!

  5. Jon repo owner

    <shocked/>…an actual code tweak for this slow moving side project 🙂 Cool to see your jump into Go…and my bowl of spaghetti code that is uru.

    Glad to hear you found a workaround for your environment. I’ll try to remember how my Go code works and spin up on your tweaks in the next few days.

    I’d like to find a way to minimize the all the extra work you had to do to get it working. Ideally, I prefer the install to be no more than a single line in your .bash_profile like the normal Linux install, and let uru_rt figure out where it’s running and take care of the rest automagically.

    Also looks like my assumptions about PS before pwsh-on-nix became a thing is a problem, i.e. PSWrapper in wrapper_windows.go and no pwsh flavor in wrapper.go for *nix environments similar to BashWrapper and FishWrapper. Who knows, the combo of pwsh $profile and a simple bash+pwsh wrapper function may turn out not to be kludge.

    Maybe the combo of a quick tweak to uru_rt and a custom pwsh $profile similar to what you did, and pwsh+*nix might need nothing in .bashrc/.bash_profile assuming the spawned child process issue can be resolved.

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