Archive page for hosting binary files

Issue #44 resolved
Evan Machnic created an issue

This is a follow-up to issue #42. Currently, the Downloads page only has a link to the latest version and makes it difficult for things like Chef or Puppet, which could break if a new version is released. It would be nice to have an Archives page that would have all versions of the different binaries available to download.

Comments (10)

  1. Jon repo owner

    Let's see how your chef setup works with the new Archives wiki page and dumptruck as the back end host.

    I think the dumptruck links aren't going to work as they look to dump you to a landing page that requires another user click. I didn't find a REST API anywhere in their docs that simple allow you to GET the file.

    Try it out and see if you can make things work.

  2. Jon repo owner

    I've also just setup a project with files located at

    The great thing about is that even though the download pages are often a hierarchy of folders, the download links have many forms with the easiest to automate looking like${filename}.

    For example, here's the darwin download of the latest 0.6.4 release:

    Play with both the dumptruck links on the Archives wiki page and the links and tell me what works best for Chef.

    I'm betting on If so, I'll kill off the dumptruck archive and switch the Archives page over to using as the backend.

  3. Evan Machnic reporter

    @jonforums I think the Sourceforge ones are probably the best since Chef works best when the URL isn't being redirected and there isn't a query string or javascript. You can see the logic I'm using (early version) at Basically, I've separated the base URL from the filename. What would really be great would be to have a filename like uru-0.6.4-darwin-x86.tar.gz where I can just switch out a version number when there is a release.

    Ideally, I want to make this to where it will automatically grab the latest version release but people could still override the version if they want a different one.

    I really appreciate you working on this as I've only just found out about Uru but I like where it's going (I'm also the maintainer of RailsInstaller and if this means that code can be shared between OS'es, then I'm all for it).

  4. Jon repo owner


    Archives (including current release) now stored at the sourceforge urubinaries project. Archive wiki page removed but link to SF site added here. File download named changed via 26a4c68 to uru-${version}-${platform}-${cpu}.${ext}.

    I also dislike overly complex urls that make it difficult to automate like

    RailsInstaller eh? I'm an on sabbatical core commiter to RubyInstaller who did the bulk of the code for the installer and the DevKit and other build recipe optimizations.

    C:\Users\Jon\Documents\RubyDev\ri-git>git shortlog -nes
       405  Luis Lavena <>
       232  Jon <>
        59  Gordon Thiesfeld <>
        25  Justin Baker <>
        19  Bosko Ivanisevic <>
         7  Alexey Borzenkov <>
         6  Hiroshi Shirosaki <>

    One thing I'd like from you. Take a screen shot of your terminal window with as cool as a CLI can be view of uru's output. I'll gimp it up and use it as a screenshot for the SF project. Thanks.

  5. Jon repo owner

    @emachnic closing as it appears SF as an archive backing store is meeting your Chef needs.

    When you get a moment, I still would like a screenshot of your terminal containing uru goodies.

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