uru <version> exits scripts without letting stuff continue

Issue #50 resolved
Tyler Thrailkill created an issue

I'm using uru 193 from a bat script run through jenkins. I need to be able to select the ruby version and then run everything else after selecting the version. Therefore it all has to be in the same script. But uru seems to exit after completing its selection. Here is the code.

:: Choose ruby version (1.9.3)
uru 193
:: Install bundler
gem install bundler
:: Setup gems
bundle install --without development
:: Run cucumber
cucumber features/multiproduct/ -p jenkins

and here is the output from the command line

PS C:\jenkins> uru 193
---> Now using ruby 1.9.3-p484 tagged as `193p484`
PS C:\jenkins>

That's an example from the powershell, but the same happens in cmd.

Comments (2)

  1. Tyler Thrailkill reporter

    Oops, looks like I didn't understand how batch calling worked in jenkins. Super sorry about this.

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