uru -version not working on 0.7.7

Issue #71 resolved
Karl He created an issue

On 0.7.5:

> uru -version
uru v0.7.5

Using Windows 7

On 0.7.7:

> uru -version
flag provided but not defined: -version
Usage of C:\bin\uru_rt.exe:
  -debug=false: enable debug mode

Comments (3)

  1. Jon repo owner

    Yes, I removed the -version and -help options with this commit. I should have been more clear on the news page.

    Thanks for highlighting the issue. I've updated the version section of the examples page so that it is more clear that currently only uru ver and uru version are supported.

    As I get closer to releasing v1.0.0, the CLI options will stabilize. That said, I don't see a need to re-enable -version.

  2. Jon repo owner

    Yes, uru help will be going through massive internal changes in order to support plugins. Custom plugins need a way to easily make their help data available to the user via the main uru program.

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