Getting a Malware warning from AVG

Issue #98 closed
Christopher Mendla created an issue

When I tried to install the download for Windows, AVG flagged it as FileRepMalware.

When I scanned the compressed file, no threats were found. However, when I extracted it, Avg flagged it. (uru_rt.exu)

I thought it could be IZarc so I downloaded 7zip and tried the process again. Avg flagged the extracted file again. That was on a Windows 7 machine.

I downloaded the compressed file again on my Windows 10 laptop. The AVG scan came up clean. But when I copied that file to my desktop and scanned it, it showed as Malware.

There is a possibility that your repo is clean and the problem is with my desktop. On the other hand I wanted to pass this along so you could check it out.



Comments (5)

  1. Jon repo owner

    Thanks for the report.

    I did a check on my Win10 system using Windows Defender, which found no threats on my latest version of uru_rt.exe.

    VirusTotal showed these results with 7 of 64 engines detecting an issue.

    Try uploading your version to VirusTotal and post back with what it shows.

  2. Jon repo owner

    I'll cross-compile a new Windows version from Linux, upload it to VirusTotal, and see what shows up

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