
Joseph Dickson Events Calendar - Upcoming and Past Events from main calendar to sub-site

Created by Joseph Dickson last modified
 * for global variables, since it is being changed or updated from time to time,
 * please refer to Related Resources for more information

global $switched;

switch_to_blog(1); // Switch to another blog by ID#

// Check if The Events Calendar plugin is active
// $events = tribe_get_events(); assigns array to $events variable
if(function_exists('tribe_get_events')) {

	// Get all events from starting -1 hour before the present date and time to 90 days into the future
	$events = tribe_get_events( array(
		'start_date'		=> date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( '-1 hour' ) ),
		'end_date'		=> date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( '+90 day' ) ),
		'order'			=> 'ASC',

 			 * Exclude events by tax_query --
			 * This requires the tribe events category slug for Pitzer Now otherwise the event will not display
			'tax_query'=> array(
					'taxonomy'	=> 'tribe_events_cat',
					'field'		=> 'slug',
					'terms'		=> 'pitzer-now',

	// Get all events from starting -360 days before the present date and and ending an hour ago
	$past = tribe_get_events( array(
		'start_date'		=> date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( '-360 day' ) ),
		'end_date'		=> date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( '-1 hour' ) ),
		'order'			=> 'DESC',

 			 * Exclude events by tax_query --
			 * This requires the tribe events category slug for Pitzer Now otherwise the event will not display
			'tax_query'=> array(
					'taxonomy'	=> 'tribe_events_cat',
					'field'		=> 'slug',
					'terms'		=> 'pitzer-now',

	// Display message if calendar is active but there are no events
	if ( empty( $events ) ) {

		echo '<strong class="events">No Upcoming Events Available</strong>';
	} else {
		echo '<div class="calendar upcoming">';

		echo '<strong class="events">Upcoming Events</strong>';

		// Create Foundation block grid
		echo '<div class="row small-up-1 medium-up-3 large-up-5">';

	} foreach( $events as $event ) {

		// start .column
		echo '<div class="column">';

		// get link and echo it
		echo '<a href="' . tribe_get_event_link( $event ) . '">';

		// get and echo the title
		echo '<h1 class="event-title">' . get_the_title( $event ) . '</h1>';

		// get and echo calendar icon, weekday, month, date
		echo '<p class="event-details"><span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar-alt"></span> ' . tribe_get_start_date( $event, true, 'l, F j') . '<br />';

		// get and echo clock icon, start time
		echo '<span class="dashicons dashicons-clock"></span> ' . tribe_get_start_date( $event, true, 'g:i a') . '<br />';

		// if event has a location get the location and echo it alogn with the icon 
		if (tribe_get_venue( $event ) ) {
			echo '<span class="dashicons dashicons-location-alt"></span> ' . tribe_get_venue( $event );

		// close paragraph started above
		echo '</p>';

		// close link echoed above
		echo '</a>';

		// close .column
		echo '</div>';

	// close .calendar
	echo '</div>';

	echo '</div>';

} else {
// Events calendar plugin not active
	echo '<strong class="events">The Events Calendar plugin is not active</strong>';

if(function_exists('tribe_get_events')) {

	// Display message if calendar is active but there are no events
	if ( empty( $past ) ) {
		// No Past Events on the calendar
	// loop through each event on the calendar
	} else {
		echo '<div class="calendar past">';

		echo '<strong class="events">Past Events</strong>';

		// Create Foundation block grid
		echo '<div class="row small-up-1 medium-up-3 large-up-5" >';

	} foreach( $past as $event ) {

		// start .column
		echo '<div class="column">';

		// get link and echo it
		echo '<a href="' . tribe_get_event_link( $event ) . '">';

		// get and echo the title
		echo '<h1 class="event-title">' . get_the_title( $event ) . '</h1>';

		// get and echo calendar icon, weekday, month, date
		echo '<p class="event-details"><span class="dashicons dashicons-calendar-alt"></span> ' . tribe_get_start_date( $event, true, 'l, F j, Y') . '<br />';

		// get and echo clock icon, start time
		echo '<span class="dashicons dashicons-clock"></span> ' . tribe_get_start_date( $event, true, 'g:i a') . '<br />';

		// if event has a location get the location and echo it alogn with the icon 
		if (tribe_get_venue( $event ) ) {
			echo '<span class="dashicons dashicons-location-alt"></span> ' . tribe_get_venue( $event );
		// close paragraph started above
		echo '</p>';

		// close link echoed above
		echo '</a>';

		// close .column
		echo '</div>';

	// close .calendar
	echo '</div>';

	echo '</div>';

} else {
// Events calendar plugin not active

restore_current_blog(); // Switch back to current blog

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