Most drill holes align after scale 0.1, but some stay way off

Issue #123 resolved
Nathan Vander Wilt created an issue

I found at advice to try scaling my drill files by 0.1 if they do not match up. This worked for me — for many of my holes. But not all of the holes!! (Even before scaling these holes look in the wrong place, relatively, I should say.)

I've attached the files here. Import the .sol file as Gerber and the .drd as Excellon. Then scale the .drd layer by 0.1. You see many of the pads (on the right side of the board) now get their holes. But many others do not, and their pads are still misaligned even further to the right.

Comments (4)

  1. Juan Pablo Caram repo owner

    Eagle does not export proper Excellon. This is the header in the attached file (Circuit.drd):


    It is missing the format statement INCH,LZ and in addition, its calling M72 in the header, while it is not a header command.

    I think there is work to do about this, perhaps a section in the manual with a summary about the formats exported by different CAD applications, but I don't believe this is a bug in FlatCAM.

    To correctly import drill files from Eagle, change the default zeros setting. See

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