Suspicious Gerber parser code for D2

Issue #155 new
Juan Pablo Caram repo owner created an issue
elif current_operation_code == 2:
    if len(path) > 1:

        ## --- BUFFERED ---
        if making_region:
            geo = Polygon(path)
            if last_path_aperture is None:
                log.warning("No aperture defined for curent path. (%d)" % line_num)
            width = self.apertures[last_path_aperture]["size"]  # TODO: WARNING this should fail!
            #log.debug("Line %d: Setting aperture to %s before buffering." % (line_num, last_path_aperture))
            if follow:
                geo = LineString(path)
                geo = LineString(path).buffer(width / 2)
        if not geo.is_empty: poly_buffer.append(geo)

    path = [[current_x, current_y]]  # Start new path

The else statement should only reset the current coordinates, but seems to be adding a path.

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