millholes shell command missing a "select all"

Issue #159 resolved
Eliot Phillips created an issue

In the GUI interface you would select all of the tools together using the mouse, but from the shell there isn't a way to say use all of the tools in the excellon file.

Suggest defaulting to ALL unless -tools is specified in the command.

Comments (4)

  1. Kamil Sopko

    this feature already works in shell I use it this way:

    drillcncjob excellonobject -tools 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110 -outname outname.gcode

    or do you mean SELECT ALL at once without specify tools?

  2. Eliot Phillips reporter

    Yes, ALL tools in the excellon file without knowing what tools are specified in the file.

  3. Kamil Sopko

    ok, it was already there but it was not clearly explained in help. Also there was small problem when there was tool but no holes in it.

    It is in my tree and branch "tcl-commands "now.

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