Support board outlines from Eagle, KiCad, and others

Issue #175 closed
Eliot Phillips created an issue

This has been scattered across a few posts and issues (of mine) so I thought I'd formalize the request.

Both KiCad and EAGLE represent their board outlines with a graphic line. In EAGLE you draw it on the the Dimensions layer. In KiCad it's drawn on the Edge.Cuts layer.

Both programs output it as a Gerber file with a graphic line representing the board edge. The center of that line is where the intended board edge is.

Currently you could get by by opening the gerber using -follow (follow doesn't work right now), then generating an isolation path off of that, then using exteriors to pick the outside isolation path and generate a cncjob based on it.

It would be nice to have one command that handled that.

The end goal being, whether you're sending your board to a PCB manufacturer or cutting it yourself with the help of FlatCAM, you just need to create one set of Gerber files that isn't specific to either process.

Comments (4)

  1. Juan Pablo Caram repo owner

    Just to be clear... you would like a single-click solution for this? I ask because I believe it can be done the way the program is right now.

    Could you please attach a gerber with an example board outline?

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