add_poly requires 3 points

Issue #194 invalid
Roberto Lo Giacco created an issue

I don't get the reason why a two points polyline (actually a line) cannot be added. I've worked around this limitation using 3 points with the last two being coincident, but I believe that confuses a bit the GCode producer algorithm having ti unable to optimize the toolpath

Comments (3)

  1. Juan Pablo Caram repo owner

    In general, we expect a very detailed report when submitting an issue including FlatCAM version, platform, and how to reproduce the problem.

    If you need help using the program, please use the discussion board. In this particular case please refer to the manual.

  2. Roberto Lo Giacco reporter

    Apologies, I thought you would have recognized me, my bad.

    I'm using FlatCAM 8.4 on Windows 10 64bit and also FlatCAM latest source, in both cases it seems there is no straightforward way to generate a segment using the command line interface. The closest tool I could find was add_poly, but since it requires a minimum of 3 points, I've been specifying the last two points to be identical. This practice, though, leads to the creation of a GCode which goes back and forth on the segment, actually passing twice along the segment rather than once.

    My request was to reduce the minimum number of points for a poly to 2, so that add_poly could be used to actually create a segment, obviously if that is not a big change, as FlatCAM is not intended (if I understand correctly) to be a full fledged CAM software, so these tools are kind of nice addition, not core to your app.

    I tried to have a second look at the online manual, but it just confirmed the 3 points minimum requirement and no add_line command... am I missing something obvious?

  3. Juan Pablo Caram repo owner

    No worries. I do recognize you. I just need to be an ass sometimes to keep some kind of order in this project.

    add_poly adds a polygon, which is defined by a minimum of 3 points.

    The real issues is that we do not have a shell command for lines! Just created #195.

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