Additional Dependencies
I found (under Ubuntu 16.04) that I also had to install simplejson and svg.path
Comments (5)
reporter I was following the instructions here:
I missed the mention of (since it talked about using apt-get to install the list of prequisites).
I see that does, in fact, do the right thing.
repo owner So the script is up to date, but the documentation is not?
reporter I would say that the documentation could be a bit clearer. It seems to be mixing up install stuff manually and installing it using
The dependencies listed here: differ from what's in
It was suggesting that I should use apt get to install all of the dependencies and then it suggests that I could use, wehre I would probably reword things in the other order.
It's all minor stuff - I should have read it a bit more carefully.
repo owner - changed status to resolved
Merged into #182.
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It is always good to give too much information's than too little. Can you write about where did you detected the problem? On the 8.5 installer or on the development version?