Offset in command shell broken.

Issue #227 resolved
Mike Evans created an issue

offset torchy-F.Cu.gbr 10 10 ERROR: offset() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given) Python traceback: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> File "/home/mikee/Projects/flatcam-fork/tclCommands/", line 53, in execute >, y) File "/home/mikee/Projects/flatcam-fork/tclCommands/", line 269, in execute_wrapper > return self.execute(args, unnamed_args) while executing "offset torchy-F.Cu.gbr 10 10"

It's a simple fix, a PR seems excessive so here's a diff.

diff --git tclCommands/ tclCommands/
index 17ffdaa..63ddc60 100644
--- tclCommands/
+++ tclCommands/
@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ class TclCommandOffset(TclCommand.TclCommand):
         name = args['name']
         x, y = args['x'], args['y']

-, y)
+, y))

Comments (5)

  1. Juan Pablo Caram repo owner

    Hi @saxicola , I merged you code. Could you please check it and let me know if I can close this issue?

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