paint area and multiple passes isolation routing doesnt fill completely

Issue #256 new
asdf asd created an issue


here is an example with tool diameter 0.55 and overlap 0.2 using paint area the white area must be machined too, but it doesnt I think the overlap should be variable and it should allow overlap more than 0.2 in tight areas

Comments (5)

  1. fredled

    I agree this is a major issue. The only way is to create a new geometry, and draw manually over the non covered areas. And it takes a lot of time. The routing should stop, not when it meets another routing route + the overlap, but when it’s completely inside the other route (“full overlap”). The Overlap value set by the user should be used only for parallel drawing. Full overlap should be used on the front side.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    This is not a bug. This is a limitation of the software…

    If you feel up to it you can have a shot in reviewing the code and making an upgrade of the relevant methods…

  3. Marius Stanciu

    It’s the clear_polygon methods in the Geometry class that can be found in the file.

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