Can't get mm's to stick in my default file

Issue #266 resolved
Christer Vollmer created an issue

I want to use mm's instead of Inches and the values I type just won't stick to the user default file. I get these messages when I try to save a change in the user default file: [error_notcl] Failed to parse defaults file. [error] Failed to parse defaults file. I'm on 8.902 beta.

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    This means that perhaps you had an older FlatCAM installed. There may be differences between the files you have and the ones needed by the FlatCAM beta. You should first delete the files and folders found in this location (assuming Windows):


    and launch FlatCAM Beta again.

    If you don't want to do it, you could try the new FlatCAM Beta 8.903. In this version I changed the file names (and file extension) for the files that store the defaults. But I recommend to delete those old files (even if with the new Beta it will work as it is).

    Now they are more easily accessible and you can save your own file and load it at will. The new buttons are in Edit -> Preferences in the lower side of the window (Import Preferences, Export Preferences, Open Preferences Folder).

  2. Christer Vollmer reporter

    Hi Marius,

    Yes, deleting everything in the….\Roaming\Flatcam folder did the trick.

    Thanks !

    I couldn’t try the 8.903 version, since there is no Windows installer in the package.

    Python is way above my paygrade 😊

    I’ll come back to you tomorrow with a better desciption of the program crash syndrome,

    but seems to be the same issue that ”Maple_Dude” reported.

    Right now it’s 01.24 here in ol’ Sweden and I really have got to sleep now

    Cheers / Chris

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Solved by deleting files in:


    followed by an application restart.

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