The item is inactive Cut Z

Issue #269 resolved
Dimitry Muzi created an issue

When selecting the engraver V, the item is inactive Cut Z.

Comments (9)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Dimitry,

    This is by design. It is done so the user will understand that the Cut Z is now calculated from the desired Tool Diameter, the tool tip diameter and tool tip angle parameters.

    Therefore FlatCAM will automatically calculate a Cut Z value depending on the above mentioned parameters.

    LE: try to change any one of the mentioned parameters and you'll see that although Cut Z field is disabled, the value inside is changing after your adjustments.


  2. Dimitry Muzi reporter

    [warning] The Cut Z parameter is zero. There will be no cut, skipping TEST.gbr_iso file

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Well, it was expected and the result is correct. I'm sure you wanted to cut a path with Tool Dia of 0.1mm using a tool with Tool Tip diameter of 0.1mm and whatever tip angle.

    If you think about this, if you enter into copper with a tool with the tip diameter of 0.1mm and and tip angle of 45 degrees, the cut width is certainly bigger than 0.1 mm. I hope you see the issue here.

    This is why the application skipped the file. It could not create the desired effect with the provided tool.

  4. Marius Stanciu

    Edit the tool diameter value (in the Tool Table you can do that by double click on the value) and enter instead of 0.1mm a value of let's say 0.15mm. You'll see that now FlatCAM will cut your file because now the combination is possible and a non-zero Cut Z is generated.

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