2-sided Tool, crash on mirroring Excellon drill holes

Issue #273 resolved
Will Smith created an issue

FlatCAM 8.908 Beta With Excellon drill files exported from both Eagle or EasyEDA, the 2-sided tool seems to consistently crash when trying to mirror drill holes, when Point Axis Ref is selected. Just determined that it works great for Box Axis Ref selected.

  1. For Eagle, set_sys excellon_zeros T (didn't have to do this for EasyEDA)
  2. Open .xln file
  3. 2-sided PCB tool
  4. Click Mirror on the EXCELLON file. Crashes on X or Y mirror.

Attached screenshot, .xln file.

Nothing special about my xln file other than I had to do set_sys excellon_zeros T before import. Same crash with the EasyEDA generated file I used to have.


Comments (6)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    I can confirm the issue.

    It has nothing to do with the type of Excellon file, it can be reproduced with other types of files.

    Regarding the using of the set_sys parameter to set the Trailing Zeros. The format change can be done now, in a more complete way, in the Menu -> Edit -> Prefrences -> Excellon -> Excellon General.

    The problem with Excellon files (more correctly with NC Drill files as they are not quite Execellon compatible in most cases) is that every other ECAD out there, decided to implement it in it's own way. Therefore there is no real standard followed and most of the times the user has to set the format on it's own. Do it from now on from above mentioned location.

    ROOT Cause: the crash was generated due of the fact that the user choosed to use the Point Reference but didn't provide any Point coordinates to actually use as reference. Due to more restrictive error handling found in PyQt5, the app crash in this scenario without informing the user. Solved in the latest commit ffb7931 (among other fixes for 2-sided Tool), there is now a message in the status bar instructing the user to add the coordinates.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    Solved in the latest commit ffb7931 (among other fixes for 2-sided Tool), there is now a message in the status bar instructing the user to add the coordinates.

  3. Will Smith reporter

    Great, thank you! Appreciate your effort on this useful tool. As a relative newcomer, it was easy to get up and running making boards.

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