Gcode export not working

Issue #287 resolved
Gabs'e created an issue

The export of the GCODE with GRBL Postprocessor isn't working, it gives the following error:

[success] Machine Code file saved to: C:/... (Saving directory) [ERROR_NOTCL] G-code does not have a units code: either G20 or G21

it doesn't create any files. When pressing the View CNC Code Button the following error appears:

[ERROR]FlatCAMCNNJob.on_edit_code_click() -->'NoneType' object is not iterable

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hello Gabriel,

    Please provide the following data:

    • operating system that you are using
    • FlatCAM version that you are using (looks like you are using the beta but which version and what flavor: x86 or x64)
    • post the entire error code from the Shell: Menu -> Tool -> Command Line
    • describe the process that you've done: step by step so I can reproduce the error
    • it helps if you can provide the Gerber file you are using, or an exported part of the Gerber file (if your design is not public) that shows the same issue. You can upload it here: https://nofile.io and paste the file link here, or any other way you find convenient: MEGA / Dropbox / Sync link etc

    When you post the data from the Shell Command line please post it as a code using the button in the toolbar editor marked as <> (Code) so the forum will give a nice format to the listing (does not matter the language choosed in the selection box). You'll get something like this:

    bla bla
  2. Gabs'e reporter

    Hi Marius,

    • I had the problem on a Windows 7 and windows 8.1 machine, both 64bit
    • I'm using the latest version FlatCAM_beta_8.914_x64
    • output from Command Line is:
    FlatCAM 8.914 (c)2014-2019 Juan Pablo Caram (Type help to get started)
    [success] Geöffnet: C:/Users/Gabriel/Desktop/Messverstaerker/Messverstaerker-Edge.Cuts.gbr
    [success] Isolationsgeometrie erstellt: Messverstaerker-Edge.Cuts.gbr_iso
    [WARNING] Werkzeugversatz ist in der Werkzeugtabelle ausgewählt, es wird jedoch kein Wert angegeben.
    Fügen Sie einen Werkzeugversatz hinzu oder ändern Sie den Versatztyp.
    [success] CNCjob created: Messverstaerker-Edge.Cuts.gbr_iso_cnc
    [ERROR_NOTCL] G-Code hat keinen Einheitencode: entweder G20 oder G21
    [ERROR]FlatCAMCNNJob.on_edit_code_click() -->'NoneType' object is not iterable
    • The problem occurs every time I generate a gcode, but as I have figured out just now, only if language is not English. If I create a file with FlatCAM in English, save it and load it into the German version (which seams to have some mistakes, specially with the umlauts) it does work flawlessly, whereas if I create a project with Flatcam in German it doesn't work in the German, nor in the English version. I haven't figured out at witch point of the process the problem is produced, but now you should be able to reproduce the error.
    • I don't think that the error is related to the Gerber files, because the error occurred with every file I tried so far, but only under the described conditions.
    • Hope it helps!

    Edit: The code view doesn't seem to work :-(

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Gabriel,

    I'll have to check the code again, I may have translated some keywords that the program expect to be in English (like variables). Thanks. The code view works OK in English language. Are you saying that it doesn't work for you when using it in English?

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