
Issue #291 resolved
Maple_Dude created an issue

Problem generating Isolation Paths after Panelization

-I can generate isolation paths for the original

-what happens to feed rate rapids?

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Error confirmed. I will look into it.

    Regarding the Feedrate Rapids parameter, I guess you’are asking where it is. Perhaps you are in Basic mode. You need to switch to Advanced level Mode in Edit → Preferences → General → App Preferences → APP. LEVEL in order to see it.

    Since it is used only in limited cases and since it is machine dependent (once set it stays like this there is no reason to change it frequently) very soon this parameter will be always hidden (regardless of the App level) unless Marlin postprocessor is selected. Or perhaps relegate it to Edit → Preferences. The reason is to unclutter the GUI.

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