FlatCAM - Change from inches to millimeters

Issue #305 resolved
wojno created an issue


how to change inches to millimeters

Comments (5)

  1. Brian

    Open the ‘command line’ from with FlatCAM and type set_sys units MM press enter


    Press 'Q' on the keyboard


    Click edit and click ‘Toggle Units’

  2. Marius Stanciu


    If you want the change to be persistent between application starts then go to:

    Menu → Edit → Preferences → General tab → App Preferences → Units

    and change in the Units RadioButton from Inch to MM and then don’t forget to apply the change by clicking on Save Preferences button in the lower right of the screen (or trying to close the Preferences tab window which will prompt you to save the changes).

    Now, every time you start the application, FlatCAM will be in METRIC units. Don’t forget to update the Preferences to your own values, the default ones may not apply to your case, and some time they are too conservative.

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