
Issue #310 resolved
Brian created an issue

Hi, What process do I run on aligndrill to be able to mill a -multidepth, below is a sample.

set_sys units MM
open_gerber C:/Temp/TestBoard_v2/TestBoard_v2.outline -outname Top_Outline
aligndrill Top_Outline -dia 3.0 -box Top_Outline -grid 1 -gridoffset 0 -minoffset 5 -axisoffset 5 -axis Y
cncjob Top_outline_aligndrill -tooldia 2.0 -z_cut -10.0 -z_move 5.0 -feedrate 15.0 -spindlespeed 255 -multidepth True -depthperpass 0.25 -endz 20.0 -ppname_g grbl_11 -outname Top_Outline_aligndrill_CNC

ERROR: Expected FlatCAMGeometry, got Top_outline_aligndrill <class 'FlatCAMObj.FlatCAMExcellon'>.


Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    You were trying to use a TclCommand that generate Gcode from a geometry (cncjob) to generate GCode from an Excellon object.
    Instead you should have used the drillcncjob which generate geometry from Excellon objects.

    If you want to mill drills then first run the milldrills TclCommand which will generate a geometry and then on the resulting Geometry you can run cncjob TclCommand.

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